
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Recruitment Session w/ 2 Mascots!

Good evening, PZF! Today we picked a special day to do a recruiting event, we started off slow, but as always we had picked up speed and got a rouge max of at least 10, while as 9 without rouges. As we recruited we encountered mascots on different servers! Rockhopper on Marshmallow and Aunt Arctic on Ascent!Here are some event pictures!

Now it’s time we talk about army news that we have no business in!

-Templars lost against ACP

-LGA is shutting down

In crust we trust and have a good night!

Hidcre, 2IC of PZF

Monday, December 23, 2019

PZF Recruiting 12/23/19

Hello, PZF! It's been quite a while hasn't it? Today we held a recruiting event maxing 8 without rouges! We hope to maintain a max of 8 as well as growing as much as possible. Here are some event pictures!

In Crust We Trust and have a great Christmas and New Years!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Recruiting Session 12/2/19

Hello PZF! Before we get started into anything, me, R3TRO, and the rest of the High Council would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy December! Today we held a recruiting event over on CP Rewritten. Our max was 15, 11 and 5 rouges. We did an excellent job and I hope to continue this awesome maxing from this army, as we are still in our recruiting phase of reviving our army. Here are some event pictures from the recruiting session we did!

In crust we trust and have a good night! Hidcre, 2ic of PZF