On April 30th, 2020, Warlords of Kosmos declared war on our allies, Chaos of CPR. In response, we will help our allies and join the fight. We will not stop until this is a PZF victory. I want everyone to be at our next events to ensure we win this war. Good luck WoK.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
World War Rewritten: Pizza Federation declares war on Warlords of Kosmos
20/04/30: Recruiting for the War!
Good evening everyone! WW8 has begun, so we must get stronger! Today we had an unplanned recruiting event at 10am and a planned recruiting at 4pm est. Both events had a 7 max without rouges. We recruited 10+ members today, but we can still get stronger! I hope to see all of the new recruits at PZF's 3rd anniversary party tonight!
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Good night PZF! Im doing this post at 11 when i really should be doing my homework, but thats besides the point. Today we went to CPR Blizzard to recruit some red rouges. Whenever we found a red rouge and sucessfully recruited them to PZF, everyone would get 100 pizzas! We were able to recruit 2 Red rouges, but we also were able to recruit 9 new members! We had a max of 8, but with all of these new recruits, i can see us doubling our maxes soon! I hope to see everyone at our next event!
Saturday, April 18, 2020
20/04/16: Skribbl.io game!
Good evening everyone! on Thursday PZF had a Skribbl.io Game. It was really relaxed and we had alot of fun. I took some pictures of some of my favorite drawings. We had a 10 max.
20/04/16: Invasion of Sleet CPATG!
Good evening everyone! Yesterday we decided that we need to gain more servers in CPAM so we went for some of our old legacy servers in cpatg. The first server we invaded was Sleet! During the event we went to different rooms, had better formations, very quick tactics and a 14 max! We now have our first server on CPAM, lets not make it the last!
Friday, April 17, 2020
20/04/15: Recruiting with Arne!
Good evening everyone! On Wednesday, PZF did some recruiting to try and up our chances in getting more people for the igloo raid. While the igloo raid wasn't very successful, our recruiting event was very good! Arne lead Wednesdays event. We were able to do a few tactics as well (sadly no one took pictures) and swap to many rooms! Overall we got a nice 8 max with 4 new people joining the discord.
20/04/15: An attempt at igloo raids
Good morning/evening (my sleep schedule isn't very good) everyone! On Wednesday we tried to do an igloo raid, and it worked out in the first igloo! It didnt take alot of time to get the 30+ stamp for one of our members with the help of rouges, but later on it was a lot harder maintain the rouges, making it extremely hard to help others get the 30+ igloo stamp. Without rouges, we were able to maintain a 10 max, but we were only able to get one person the 30+ igloo stamp. Next time we will do better!
Monday, April 13, 2020
20/04/13: Small Stamp Rally!
Good evening everyone! Today we logged onto CPR-Sleet to start a recruiting. It was quite early in the day for est players, so we didn't find many rouges but we did start a mini stamp rally by accident. We got some stamps from the night club and the pizza parlor as well as new recruits, i hope to see everyone at our igloo raid tomorrow!
20/04/12: Cleaning up CPR
Good evening everyone! Yesterday we went onto Sleet CPR to clean up the server. If you havent noticed, everyone is logging onto club penguin so they can escape the current issues everyone facing in the real world by relaxing in a virtual world. Because of everyone logging on, we need to make sure the virus dosnt come into Cp too! We suited up in the firefighters outfit in got to work, cleaning the town and the Pizza parlor. We got a max of 14 and an average of 12, Even though i wasnt there it seemed like the event went well! Thank you to our prefects for leading yesterdays event since our hcom was not able to make it!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Practice Battle w/ Lime Green Army 4/11/2020
Hi PZF! Ya gurl is back but I’m keeping this short and sweet. Today we logged onto Klondike, CPATG (Club Penguin Armies The Game) to have a practice battle against Lime Green Army! (LGA) The Following room counts went like this:
Docks: Tie
Iceberg: LGA
Boiler Room: Close Game, LGA
Here are the event pictures:
In crust we trust and have a good night!
Friday, April 10, 2020
20/04/10: Pre-Recruiting for LGA
The Practice battle against LGA is approaching quickly. Our battle against OMA was rather close so were going to make sure it will be a clean PZF victory tomorrow! To ensure this, we had one more recruiting event before the battle, and it went great! We were able to get a 10 max without rouges. There were a few problems with keeping the rouges in check, but it overall went really well! I hope to see you new recruits at our future events!
20/04/09: Training our recruits
Since we wernt able to fight the romans, we decided to do a training event for half an event and recruit for the other half of the event. This time our hcom lead the training and they did really well, achieving a 12 max. Our recruiting went a lot better then expected! We were able to recruit a good 9 new members into the discord during it, as well as having a large of rouges! I hope you all come to our practice battle against LGA, lets make sure we max as high as we can!
Thursday, April 9, 2020
20/04/05: Operation: Rainbow Bois!
Once again we got together to make a rainbow out of as many people as we could, and it worked as usual, this time with less rouges! The last time we tried this we had consistent maxes of 5-7, but with our 10+ maxes, making the rainbow has been easier with the help of people talking through discord. There was a nice 11 max without rouges, but i hope we can get more in the next event!
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Club Penguin Army Media: 3 Battles
Hey PZF! Sorry for not posting all this week. Online classes start on April 14th, so ya gurl can't be making the posts. This means I'm giving the lead to R3TRO! Anyway, during the past week and a half, we've been doing lot's of battles with all of the armies in Club Penguin Army Media (CPAM). To keep this short and sweet, here are the list of armies we've battled up until today:
Pizza Federation vs. Help Force - HF Victory
Pizza Federation vs. Army of CP - ACP Victory
Pizza Federation vs. Os Mascarados - PZF Victory
Here are the event pictures from each battle, separated in the captions you will know which ones are which.
I will not be showing the ACP battle pictures because we were both wearing green and it would be very hard to notice us.
In Crust We Trust and have a good night!
20/04/02: Recruiting after the fight!
After our battle against acp, we went to go recruit.The session went really well, other then the constant room swaps. With a 10 max , we will be ready for our future battles. Lets do our best on our battle against OMA!
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Small Training! 20/03/30
With cpam's tournament coming up, we needed to get ready, so we hosted a small training for all the new people, we got a decent 7 max and 5 average. our tactics were pretty good too. We will be ready for the tournament and we will do great!