
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Club Penguin Army Media: 3 Battles

Hey PZF! Sorry for not posting all this week. Online classes start on April 14th, so ya gurl can't be making the posts. This means I'm giving the lead to R3TRO! Anyway, during the past week and a half, we've been doing lot's of battles with all of the armies in Club Penguin Army Media (CPAM). To keep this short and sweet, here are the list of armies we've battled up until today:

Pizza Federation vs. Help Force - HF Victory

Pizza Federation vs. Army of CP - ACP Victory

Pizza Federation vs. Os Mascarados - PZF Victory

Here are the event pictures from each battle, separated in the captions you will know which ones are which.


I will not be showing the ACP battle pictures because we were both wearing green and it would be very hard to notice us.

In Crust We Trust and have a good night!

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