
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

PZF Games Recap: Revival Games + Final 5 Thoughts, 01/07/2020

Today the 4 remaining competitors took a break, and the eliminated contestants had an opportunity to be revived! Takoz, Light (sorry for forgetting you), Fernando, Alex, and Retro logged on CPR Abominable to play McBruh's revival game, with Snork as a spectator! Who will win? Read on to find out..

McBruh announced the first challenge, given to Alex. Alex had to find McBruh hidden across the island in 30 seconds. McBruh left and Alex quickly went to look for him.. seconds went by and both soon returned, as Alex had successfully completed his challenge!

Next challenge was given to Retro, and he had to defeat McBruh in a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors online. Both entered a game, and soon the victor was decided.. Retro!

rock-paper-scissor result

Next challenge was given to Light. His task was to look through the PZF server, and screenshot McBruh saying "Bananas". While Light did find a screenshot of "banana", it wasn't enough to satisfy McBruh, and Light failed his challenge, being eliminated


Takoz got his challenge next, and he had to defeat McBruh in Card Jitsu. They headed to the dojo and started a fierce battle. McBruh won winning 4 cards, and Takoz was out of the revival game.


Fernando was next to get his challenge. He was given 20 second to post a wiki about LBP (Little Big Planet), which he did without delay. He revealed his secret weapon for winning his challenge: "thats one of my website shortcuts". Fernando big brain

Playstation Little Big Planet Sackboy Character High-Res Stock ...
daily stock photo

However, McBruh decided that since Fernando's challenge was too simple, that he needed an extra one. Fernando was tasked with subscribing to McBruh's YT channel in 15 seconds, which he also completed with ease!

With all the challenges completed, there was a wait before we continued. Unfortunately Retro had to leave so he died lol sad :) This left Fernando and Alex eligible for revival, with one more challenge to go.

The challenge was Dance Contest, Multiplayer, Expert Level. Fernando and Alex battled it out but there could only be one person revived.. McBruh published the results


Fernando, after being eliminated by Saph, was back for vengeance! Thus the revival games concluded and were left with our final 5 competitors, Snork, Saph, Hidcre, Bolio, and Fernando!

snork's expert level score without playing for months, he is a pro gamer :heart_eyes:

Meet the Final 5!
We interviewed the final 5 to get their thoughts on the late stage of the competition, asking them all the same question, "Tell me your thoughts on the PZF Games up to this point"


Fernando: It's been a combination of fun and stressful. I've put way more effort into turning up than I probably should've. Lets hope I haven't wasted my time in this.
Saph: Very Epic and Cool!!! I have felt fear, excitement, stupidity and love in this chili's over these past days. Can't wait to see who comes out victorious!
Hidcre: My thoughts on PZF games is that it's really fun, the soldiers are really competitive, and overall just really good
Bolio: I thought they have been big god
Snork: I've really enjoyed the games, it's been a great break from the usual pzf events. Can't wait for tomorrow!

I asked them a bonus question aswell, "Apart from yourself, who do you think will win?"
Fernando: Saph
Saph: Fernando or Hidcre
Hidcre: Fernando
Bolio: Hidcre

As well as that, we interviewed Light, PZF Games helper and overall cool dude, for his analysis on the games! We asked Light to give us a rundown on each competitor's performance so far, and for his final predictions, and here's what he has to say:

"The obvious frontrunner is snork. He's been dominating all the way through, and his skills cover a wide range. Even so, his brain is where he's the strongest, and day 4's activities will definitely favor him. If I had to pick a dark horse, it would be Saph or Hid, both of whom have been flying under the radar but have managed to stay away from elimination. Fernando is perhaps the most outwardly competitive of the bunch, which could either be his saving grace or his downfall. And last but not least, Bolio has been performing very well, but may lack the cutthroat instinct of the other competitors.
Finals Prediction: snork vs hid
Grand Champion Prediction: snork"

Who do you think will win the PZF Games? Let us know in the comments! Big thanks to all who gave an interview for today's post!


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